Information Technology Department dungeon unlocked. If you do not immediately go to the dungeon on the day it appears, an event should occur with Porno when you select the Amor dungeon on a later day, and you'll get her HCG flashback. Earn 25,000 or more during the hustling phase. Abandoned YR Mechanics dungeon unlockedĮpisode 10: What Follows (JP: Soshite Sorekara). Get 2 customers in a row during the hustling phase. Once the Haken deadline is reached, they will reappear in your Garage You must assign a zinzai who will then become unavailable until the Haken deadline. Haken deadlines will also be added to the calendar of events Rank 3 weapons and Haken mechanic unlocked. Earn 20,000 or more during the hustling phase. Dohna Dohna a zinzai in Sanho Industries. Kuma will be your only party member in the second half of this dungeon, so consider minimizing his use for the first half. Note that you can obtain Kirakira's bad end by losing in this dungeon when clearing it for the first time. Earn 15,000 or more during the hustling phase. Note that defeating Lu Bu does not appear to have any influence on the story. Episode 7 unlocked, Research lab dungeon unlocked, Dohna Dohna Hot Spot days are now unlocked in your calendar of events. Episode 6 unlocked, Antenna joins (Antenna will let you go through electric gates now). See the electric gate event in Megumi dormitory. Attract at least 2 customers during the hustling phase. Episode 5 will be unlocked and Toratarou returns to the party. Episode 4 unlocked, Medico will join your playable characters. Toratarou will be injured in an event and removed (temporarily) from the party. Earn 10,000 or more in the hustling phase. This will unlock random weapon material drops in dungeons on special item squares. Try to get the special item in J5, since this will let you complete your next objective. Kirakira's Voltage skill is very effective in this battle. This will unlock Kikuchiyo's introductory event. Defeat the boss fight in Sanho Industries. This will unlock a fla†††'s event, Mistress event and the Sanho Industries dungeon. This will unlock Medico's introductory event and Episode 3. Hunt at the Shirayama Clinic and complete the boss fight at the exit. This will unlock Antenna's introduction event, Shion's introduction event and the Shirayama Clinic dungeon. Earn 5,000 or more during a hustling phase. This will unlock your calendar of events and the special days: Appreciation Day, Bashing Day and VILE/VAN Sale. Buy a base upgrade/installation at the shop. This will unlock the Megumi Street dungeon, the Shop and Episode 2. Note that even if you get to the end, you won't get a clear item and it will instead be treated as a retreat. It does not technically matter if you finish the dungeon after this. Complete the Dohna Dohna tutorial in the dungeon ASP.
Complete the hustling tutorial by advancing to the Action phase: Hustling.These are the game objectives for each episode. Meeting the objectives (pink text boxes) will let you progress the story. See the CG Guide Tips for ways to get CGs efficiently.You can theoretically unlock all the endings and collect all the CGs in a single run by going back to save files to see bad ends. Normal ending = Fail all other ending requirements.
Mistress ending = End the game with no heroine's Feeling level higher than 7 and must obtain Mistress CG by visiting the shop with at least 20,000,000 Yen before Episode 23.(Note that you will still get Mistress ending even if you hustle Porno before doing her Haken during Episode 23).(Note you can still get other heroine's endings even if you hustle Porno before her Haken event during Episode 23 just not her. If you have multiple, then you will unlock the ending for the heroine with the highest Feeling stat. 6 unique heroine endings: End the game with a heroine with at least Level 8 by Episode 23.2.23 Episode 23: Dream Program System (JP: Iron Maiden).2.20 Episode 20: Illusion (JP: Mugen Houyou).2.17 Episode 17: War of the Maiden (JP: Otome Senki).2.16 Episode 16: Hidden Moon (JP: Kakure Tsuki).2.10 Episode 10: What Follows (JP: Soshite Sorekara).